Friday, 2 August 2013

school holiday

School holidays   
Yay, finally it is the school holiday waiting for it to come and now it the day. During week two of the school holiday was at my aunties house practicing my Tongan dance. 

During week two of the school holiday I was at my aunties house practicing my dance with my cousin and It was fun, my little cousin was practicing his dance with his dad and they practiced with the stick they made. At 6:00 at night we went to my auntie’s church to learn some more move to the dance. I felt special because I was the youngest one in the dance and I got to make some moves for the dance, after we had practice there was a big feed that people were going around telling us to come and have something so that was cool and I liked it.

When we went home to my auntie’s house, everyone went to sleep.  My uncle and cousin were still at work and came back at 12:00 in the night. The next day we practice all day because on Friday was the day to perform by temple few, I had lots of fun practicing, then the day came to performing at the temple. But before performing everyone had to make some food so we can eat it and then do my performance. I had fun doing the dance and I liked my costume that  my auntie’s made for me also my cousin because he done rose on my skirt and in different kinds of colours. 

On Friday night after home and away we went to the temple, my cousin and I was still getting dress also in a rush because it was time to go. In the car doing our hair we were moving around    making everyone squish it was funny and hilarious. We finally got there and there was lots of food on the table and in fact there three table’s full of salad, drinks and big it was yummy and nice I wish I had some now. After an hour it was time for my group to perform, we went to a room to get dress and that took us properly 4 minutes then we had to put lots of oil on us. we went to line up in the hall way and waited until we got called in then finally  they called us in then we lined up in the big hall. 

I had lots of fun and got lots of money, I liked my dance that happened and wish I could do one again.


  1. It sounds like you had a really interesting holiday. I would love to see your dance that you spent so much time practising.

    Remember when you proofread that you need to re-read your work very carefully. You have missed several words and suffix's which are very important.

    I look forward to reading your next piece and seeing all the errors corrected.

    Great Job Lesieli

  2. Lesieli
    Was it a Fiafia Dance? You didn't mention that in your recount but it sounds like one. I really enjoyed reading the line about doing your hair in the car on the way to the performance and how you found that to be funny. That did sound funny and exciting.
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton.
