Our Journey Through PrEp

Primary Enterprise Programme.

PrEP gives students the opportunity to develop their own enterprise community. Students create their own Government and currency and are encouraged to make small products or services which are sold at market. PrEP is over 1 term and is delivered right across the school.

Modern Day Money

We begun our PrEP unit by exploring currency. Why do we need currency? What would we do if we had no money?

With the use of eftpos cards and internet banking, Do we still need cash?

We decided that having a currency for our society would work best. We then begun looking at the process of making money and why they have the different symbols and pictures.

After we researched lots of different currencies we realised that there were common geometric features like, rotation, reflection, tessellation and translation. 

We applied our knowledge and used iconic images to tell the story of Melville Intermediate.

Business Creation.

Our next step was to create a business. We had to have an up-to-date CV so that our classmates knew our skills.  We had to approach each other and talk about what we could offer and how we would make their business successful. 

Once we were in our business groups we started brainstorming all the different products that we could sell. We had to think about what the needs in the market place were. With christmas fast approaching some of us realised we could create a product that would be great as a gift.  We also realised that people like food and that it would be a good idea to have a food company.

After lots of discussion and research on the students presented 3 products in a 'Dragons Den' style setting. They had to explain how they would make their product, what it would cost and sell for, and finally who they would target as their customers.  The students initial brainstorm demonstrated an ability to think about their audience and begin to assess the potential success or failure or a product.

With one idea decided on the groups then had to apply to the Board Of Governors for an application to sell during the Market Day.  All of our plans came back with approval so we were able to proceed to the next stage.

Slogan and Logo Design

During class we got to look at a range of different logos and slogans. We looked at the message behind the slogans and what the companies wanted us to think or feel when we see them. We looked at all the different places that logos are used and what they represent. We realised that lots of logos have nothing to do with what they were sell, instead they were designed to spark an emotion.

Our job was to design a logo and slogan that would spark an emotional response from our customers.

Design 1

Design 2

We wanted our customers to feel the same way they do when they see an rainbow

Design 1

We wanted our customers to feel special, like a princess

Design 1

Design 2
We wanted our customers to feel like Royalty 


Today we looked at different packaging and tried to imagine the nets. In the factory a machine would fold cardboard to create these prisms. We were challenged by Mr Willis to recreate them.

As part of the Geometry and Statistics strand of the curriculum the students have been exploring how a net can be created and folded to make a 3 dimensional shape.  The students were also looking at naming the different features of 3 dimensional shapes (faces, Vertices, Edges).

Product Creation

The students are busy creating their different products to sell on Market Day. They have finished critiquing their prototypes and are in full production mode.  

Throughout the year the students at Melville Intermediate have had the opportunity to attend Technology classes. During these classes they learnt skills in hard materials, cooking, art, music, drama, and sewing.  PrEP has given the students the opportunity to use these skills to create their products.

Today have been cutting our our letters out for our word blocks.

Today we started melting the candle wax for our scented candles.

Today we started cleaning the jars that we are going to turn into candle holders.

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