Thursday, 12 December 2013
A little boy went exploring and came upon these artistic materials as he looked he spotted a lonely canvas with no color or life in it. The different beautiful colours surrounding the dull canvas screaming use me please! The little boy dragged a big white bed spread to make sure the paint didn’t stain the carpet. The little boy splattered paint on the canvas like a toddler sneezing everywhere. Paint brushes gliding like an eagle stalking it’s pray and the colours trying its best to put more life in to the painting .The painting could not look as happy as ever.
100 wc
Stealing all the colour from the room, it slowly blurs out the dull back wall. With every colour reaching for maximum brightness. The colours on it were blended to perfection. The artist took every line and curve to perfection. This was his best work to date. He took special care in redrawing every tiny mistake. An auctioneer walking into the dark, black basement. He notices the heart-warming and exceptional canvas just sitting in the back of the room. He had a joyful emotion inside, because he knew that he had finally found the amazing masterpiece he had been searching for.
As the first brush head towards the canvas with the yellow and light brown I am painting the vicious animal in Africa. A cheater so I started to paint the cheater suddenly sparkles are rain falling on the brush I don’t know what’s going to happen but the scary cheater is starting to appear out of the canvas once it was out of the canvas it gave me a very scary look in its eyes it does a huge growl and so I ran I run to the top of the stairs and then I figure out plan I quickly run down stairs and go right in front of the canvas and wait for it to attack it jumps I move and push it inside the canvas and back it goes in the trapped inside its prison that was the most exciting thing I have ever done.
#100wc #week15
The canvas stands proudly and courageously for all to observe. Its vibrant and beautiful colours stand out from all the rest. The elegant strokes are done with such detail that it is mistaken for a photographic picture. A man of great wealth bought this picture to display in his home. A few years passed and the painting was slowly deteriorating. The man tried restoring back this painting to perfect state but couldn't. What used to be vibrant and beautiful had now lost its pride and was slowly inhaling its last breath. When a slither of hope came around the corner.
I was walking to the museum. I heard that there was a painting competition.
I rushed inside and I saw my friends Kaitlin and Taylor, they are twins. The conductor told us to think of something to paint, I choose a cheetah. I was terrified because Kaitlin and Taylor were working together. The conductor said “START” and everyone ran off to a canvas. Painting along like there was lots of blood on a canvas my picture was bright like it reflects of the sun.My cheetah was great and I came first overall how good was that day. “WINNER”
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
I was walking to the museum, I heard that there was a painting competition.
I ran inside and my friends were there, Kaitlin and Taylor, they are twins.
The instructor told us to think of something to paint , I choose a cheetah but I was terrified because Kaitlin and Taylor were working together. I was worried that they will win. The competition started, we rushed to the canvases and everyone began to be violent and started to push each other and there I am painting. The instructor was walking pass the other
contestant and then she was walking towards me slowly.
The colours were amazingly beautiful there were so many to choose from purples to greens yellows to reds and to make it even better there were so many different shades. The painting was a combination of all the colours and all the shades. Once it was hanging in the great art gallery in Paris it said on the back. Ron Terence had signed the painting he had also written.
“To the lucky fellow who found my art. I want you to keep it look after it as it is a one of a kind piece please yours sincerely Ron Terence”
The children ran towards the paints and started causing chaos. Paint was going everywhere; splashes of paint were on the floor, die was dripping from the ceiling, it was just a huge mess.
Imagine what grandma would think if she walked in.
The chaos continued, and every time the paint hit the wall or floor it would make a huge THUMP.
“Children what are you doing there?”
The children stopped suddenly know that if grandma came up, they would be in big trouble.
“Ahh nothing grandma” “Well you’re making a hell of a noise, I’m coming up… OOOOO MYYYYYY GOOSSHH!!!!!!”
The art exhibit is on
soon, they thought about what was going to be the best picture in the art
exhibit. It was a long decision, but they made a good one. They grabbed the
paint brushes and the only sound swishing on the canvas until the paint runs out.
It was time to have the exhibit, as they carefully placed it into the basket.
All of a sudden when
they walked in all of the eyes were looking at the painting. The judges ask
strangely, “What is it supposed to be“?
“It is whatever you
want it to be”…
It was a
beautiful sunny day, the sun was burning like a grill. Birds flew peacefully as
bees rambled around the flowers. “It’s a beautiful day.” Lena keeps crying to Jake.
“Oh, I wish you can just shut your mouth, and why can’t this world just be
blue.” Jake blabbed out loud.
Everything vanished, something appeared, it
was like a city of colours. Everything came out clearly, paints, pencils and
many more. In the middle was an easel holding a canvas as carefully as
possible. Out exploded some instruction!
“If you
want your city back, finish painting this world, NOW!”
“Are you sure?
Jack asked me doubtfully.
“I’m positive”
In replied. I looked around the cold damp room. Then I spotted what I was
looking for a very small unnoticeable hole. I took out the strange twisted
smooth key, I pushed it into the hole and pulled. A hidden door appeared. Jack
rushed over nearly tripping over his boots. “Is this it?” he asked excitedly
“Yup, let’s
go in” I replied. I could hear the excitement in my voice. As we entered I stood
still in shock. In front of me I saw the most amazing collection of art equipment
I've ever seen.
Friday, 6 December 2013
The Johnson family had to move because Mr. Johnson got a job qualification in a different state, The Johnson family got ready and prepared to leave. When they arrived at their new house Mrs. Johnsons knew that something was wrong with the new house. As they approached the door loud footsteps were running through the house like someone was inside and then the noise stopped? Everybody’s face was shocked and confused. Mr. Johnson crept slowly inside to check it out then he seen a shadow run pass the hallway very quickly and he yelled WHO ARE YOU!
To be continued….
100 wc #14
Robinson family had move out of 22 Cleveland Street after the father had
accepted well-paying job in Washington Dc. Several days later, just after
moving into their new home there were sightings of aliens in their area. After
midnight when all was asleep, a strange noise would echo throughout the city of
Washington Dc. Many were frightened of it; the sound gave little kids a big fright. This was a bit weird because it happened straight after the president
died. The night after the new president was elected the noise slowly withered
down, and then the noise stopped instantly.
It was a very scary night on
the 14 th of April 2019 when my brother and I were exploring our new
city. As we were walking, I heard a funny weird noisy thing and it was coming
from Mr. Creepy’s house. I heard someone talked about him before and he said he
eat children. “Let’s check it out”, my
little brother said.
“No way”, I shouted back, he
ate children there’s no way we are going into that place, and I very fast ran
home. As we’re running and then the noise stopped.
What could it be? What could happen?
100 wc
I was sprinting through the forest trying to find a way out. I could hear something in the bushes chasing me. It had a cheeky laugh sound to its voice. I couldn’t see it but I knew it was big. The sound was getting louder every second. I felt my fatigue begin to build. I hid behind a tree, hoping that it would go away. I was breathing louder than a train engine. I went quiet and then the noise stopped. I looked back and saw nothing. I felt it was watching me so I turned around and kept running.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
On the way to school
The day
felt like the end of the day as the school was deserted. The sky was covered
with grey clouds with twinkles of water, clouds flowing side to side. Step by
step, something crunched under my foot, it was an ant’s home. I carried on and
saw a person walking. I was thankful somebody was here.
Later on
more people were at school when I arrived in the hall. All classes were
deserted also as quiet as a mouse. All was loud and proud in the hall, felt
like they were happy with everybody gone. We all moved on to the library, and
the teachers planned some activities.
100 wc
Me and my
family were planning to go shopping so we did. I told my parents I was going to
the toys. I made my way to the toys with my brother Mitchell. I saw a toy dog
in the corner. There was a sticker on its paw and it said (try me) so I pushed
it. I heard a growling sound that was coming from it I was getting scared I thought
it would never stop then it started barking by that time I was freckling out so
I ran until I found my parents. Then the noise stopped.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
100 wc
3 Schools
entered had a camp competition in the jungle of Plozza to win a great prize of
$200,000. As the 3 schools found a spot away from each other and settled down
there was a letter given to the 3 principals to read to their schools because
every day as one adventure and all 3 principals have different letters and
adventures because if a different school completes an adventure and the schools
find each other they wouldn't get a prize so they have different challenges. It
rained for 3 days….. And then the noise stopped….TO BE CONTINUED…….
Monday, 2 December 2013
“What was
that?” Tina asked sleepily
“I’m not
sure” I mumbled.
“Let’s go
check it out” Tina whispered excitedly
like there’s someone up stairs” I whispered.
BAN- and then the noise stopped……
“I can’t
hear it anymore” Tina whispered softly.
The door
slowly creaked open…..
Tina and I leaped off the bed and scrambled under it.
I looked
over the top of the bed and saw my little brother sitting on the floor banging a
pot and pan together. “Joey” I said sighing relief.
The day
cooled off as the sun settled behind the mountains. Ducks flew in groups as
rabbits scrambled back to their homes.
A gun fire
All the
animals scrambled in fear, not looking back.
A hunter came from behind a fern bush and then
the noise stopped. Step by step, he shot at the ground. The animals around the
area shocked with fear, they were too scared to move. He raised his gun and...
Suddenly an
acorn dropped on his head. More acorns
dropped from the trees, a squirrel stepped up, then others followed him with
acorns in their hands.
Thursday, 28 November 2013
MOtE Reapplication
The students in Room 6 have been working with the MOtE approach and have been having a huge amount of fun. They were put into role as a character that had been refused entry into the City of Light. Here are there speeches
Friday, 22 November 2013
Hello children of the Philippines my name is Connor Macfarlane and I live in country called New Zealand.
We are so sorry to hear about the devastating typhoon had hit you in the Philippines. We hope that you and your families can survive until help arrives.
Because we are sad that this has happened all of New Zealand schools are going to have a mufti day, there will be a gold coin donation. All of the money we make from Melville Intermediate School will be donated to help you get all of the essentials to survive until further help arrives.
Dear children
of Philippines
I am devastated
to see you my name is Haze Peters and I am 12 years old and I feel sorry about the Typhoon. It is just
horrible here what happen to all of you poor people. I wish that I can help for
your country my school is collecting money to help your country
everyone in my school feel sorry about what happen to you we will
our best to pervade food water and I feel sorry for your loved one I wish you
guy the good bye write you a another letter next time.
children of the Philippines
Kia ora my
name is Dillinger Hamiora I am 13 years old and come from the country New
Zealand. It is devastating to hear about the terrible typhoon that hit the
Philippines, I hope you are okay and still with your loved ones. If there were
anything that I could do, I would do it and I wish the best for you and the
rest of the Philippines children. The New Zealand army has sent an airplane
full of safety equipment that will help you survive the devastation. I hope the
best for your country.
100wc Siosifa
Dear children of the Philippines,
Hello my name is Siosifa and ’I'm from Hamilton New
Zealand. I hope you are well. I'm sorry to hear that your lovely parent has
passed away and your house has been taken down by the typhoon hyain. I have saw
the pictures of what was it look like before the typhoon and what happen after
it. If there anything I can do I will try my best to do it but the New Zealand
government will send you a plane full of food and safety gear. Thank you very
You’re sincerely
Siosifa Pule
children/ adults of the Philippines
It’s really
heart breaking to hear what has happened in your country. It must be very hard
for you figuring out where to sleep and difficult to find food and water to
drink. I am from New Zealand where not many disasters happen so I could not imagine
what you are feeling like right now. Our country has sent many rescue teams to
come and help re-build your city. Our school has fund-raised some money for you
to help with all the costs of re-building your city. Don’t worry you’re going
to be alright.
children of the Philippine’s.
I’m so
sorry, hope you are okay after what happened? Are you and your relative’s safe?
If I was you, I’ll try to help people like encourage them, like what I’m doing
now. Don’t give up, believe in yourself.
Other people
in other places are trying to help you. Sadly they can’t land because of the
buildings that tumbled. So if you try and clean the place probably they might
be able to land and help even more.
Don’t give
up, have faith in yourself, believe that you can help your community and change
the place.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Dear children
in the Philippines
I am so
sorry of what I heard about the phillpinese I hope you and your family are ok also
it is devastating of what that typhoon can do. But it’s ok because lots of
people are coming to help you and the phillpinese they will bring food water
and a nice place to live. They will help you find your mum and dad if they are
lots. Did I tell u my name it Alanis I live in New Zealand and I go to Melville
intermediate school. I wish u and your country’s is ok.
children of the Philippines
I am so sorry
about the cause of the typhoon and how all the houses in Philippines were
destroyed. It’s going to be ok, the people are going to help you, protect you
and keep you safe. Your parents would be worried about you too; the rescue
people will help you and your worries.
Try not to
cry think of something happy like that you’re going to be ok. You can find
friends and people who will help you, you can help them too and survive with
someone in New Zealand
Jessie Lee
whoever found this letter,
I am so
sorry about the typhoon. I hope you and your family are ok. I am happy that you
found my letter. My name is Shayla Templeman. I live in New Zealand and I go to
school at Melville Intermediate. I’m 11 years old and I live in Te Awamutu with
my Mum and little brother Jaykib. My Dad lives in Hamilton. I have two older
sisters (Ashlea and Claire) but they live in Australia. I hope you find someone
to help you.
I hope my
letter has given you some hope to carry on......
Friday, 15 November 2013
On that dreadful day of September the 11th 2001.All that way to America When that plane came crash! And boom! Into the twin buildings watching them slowly crumble. It was a horrific sight knowing that a lot of people are going to die. I didn’t want to believe it. All broadcasted on the news. The firemen going in trying to save as much people as they can even when they didn’t know whether or not there returning themselves. I was one of the unfortunate witnesses standing there in shock like everyone else. I will never forget that haunting day.
Friday, 8 November 2013
frost swizzles on planet earth, underground and on top of pine trees. Time
freezes, my watch shivers and crackles at the spot. Birds flew but then dropped
by midair, squirrels chasing each other and dropped from the trees above.
Time after
time I was lonely, no birds singing or flapping or squirrels chattering. Just
leaves crunching under my frosty boots. The sky never changed just a purple,
blue sky, I checked my watch. “Oh what’s the point, my watch has stopped.”
I wondered around, “WOH!” it was frozen, it was
freezing. Head first in the pound, BRAIN FREEZE!!!
Thursday, 7 November 2013
‘Hey wait for me!!” I called out to Jack.
“Hurry up slowpoke” he yelled back. Jack and I were biking past a slippery disgusting pond when jack noticed something. He skidded to a stop and pointed to something in the water. I looked down and saw two gumboots sticking out of the water. Jack reached out and pulled…. A body came flying out of the water. It landed next to the bikes. I screamed and then I fainted. When I came to Jack was over by the dead body, I slowly walked over to Jack and the body…. I looked down and saw a scarecrow.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
The rain
came crashing towards the ground with a splish, splash! The violent storm was a
break out.
The wind howled as pushing the sea against the
dock. Boats waving side to side. People getting pushed on the right and
fighting against the wind.
“Time freezes most of the time,” grandfather coughed.
I didn't want him to go at a terrible time like this, but instead grandmother
was on the way. So I served up some hot tea and sat by the fire place. Hours speed
up but problems were on the way.
Where was
A phone
call came..........
“Looks like a rainy day today kids” Dad said while looking out the window.
“Looks like a storm” Mum added. Shortly after Mum left thunder crackled.
“What are we going to do” Joe said miserably.
“We could watch TV or play a board game” Kiara suggested. Joe walked over to the window and gasped.
“What is it?” Kiara asked.
“A tree just flew past the window” Joe whispered.
“What, that’s impossible” Kiara said as she walked over to the window, all of a sudden a tree whirled past. The ground was flooding. The violent storm was turning into a hurricane.
Friday, 25 October 2013
He’s red; he’s hot and ready to come get you. His name
is the king of hell or the devil of the earth. He likes to give a good scare at
night time he would lay under your bed ready to give you a scare, also like to
sit in the pictures on the walls and stare at you for hours.
Does it feel like someone is watching you?
Well the devils scaring days are over he needs somewhere
to stay, so he built the haunted house. But he still like to give a few scares once
in a wielded.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Crunch day for PrEP
Today is 'crunch day' for Room 6. In a matter of hours the stalls will open and we will have our first customers for Market Day 2013.
The businesses are very busy with the final touches and cant wait to start selling their products.
We are selling chocolate cups and ice cream. To make these chocolate cups we had to melt some chocolate in the microwave it was really hard for us because we weren't allowed to eat it.
Our first balloon that we dipped into the chocolate popped because the chocolate was way to hot.
and then we attempted it again then we kinda got a bit to excited because our next five worked.
Before we popped the balloons we had to release them a bit by pushing the balloons away from the chocolate.
Once we are finished we are going to serve them with ice-cream sprinkles and sauces.
Then after we made a few of those we had realised that we hadn't made any decorations yet.
I got to work mixing food colouring into some white chocolate, we soon found out that mixing to much colouring with the chocolate made it stiffen a bit.
We grabbed some cookie cutters and rolled our chocolate out like dough.
We cut out a few shaped and left them to harden.
Our group name is B.M.S we are selling Rock art, Name string and wooden letters. The rock art comes in all different sizes we have small, medium and large. The large costs twenty five MISMS, the medium costs twenty MISMS and the small is fifteen MISMS, the rock art is made up of a rock with small glass pebbels glued on. We have two types of rock art, the second type has pink pebbles stuck on instead of glass pebbles. The glass pebbles come in blue, red and clear.
The businesses are very busy with the final touches and cant wait to start selling their products.
We are selling chocolate cups and ice cream. To make these chocolate cups we had to melt some chocolate in the microwave it was really hard for us because we weren't allowed to eat it.
Our first balloon that we dipped into the chocolate popped because the chocolate was way to hot.
and then we attempted it again then we kinda got a bit to excited because our next five worked.
Before we popped the balloons we had to release them a bit by pushing the balloons away from the chocolate.
Once we are finished we are going to serve them with ice-cream sprinkles and sauces.
Then after we made a few of those we had realised that we hadn't made any decorations yet.
I got to work mixing food colouring into some white chocolate, we soon found out that mixing to much colouring with the chocolate made it stiffen a bit.
We grabbed some cookie cutters and rolled our chocolate out like dough.
We cut out a few shaped and left them to harden.
Our group name is B.M.S we are selling Rock art, Name string and wooden letters. The rock art comes in all different sizes we have small, medium and large. The large costs twenty five MISMS, the medium costs twenty MISMS and the small is fifteen MISMS, the rock art is made up of a rock with small glass pebbels glued on. We have two types of rock art, the second type has pink pebbles stuck on instead of glass pebbles. The glass pebbles come in blue, red and clear.
The other things we made is Name String some of the words we have are: Memory, Grow, Love, Joy, Dream, Life, Hope and Faith. The Name String is made up of wood with nails nailed on as block letters, and the string is wound around the nails to make up the block letters.
Also we have Wooden Letters, some of the words we have are: Love, Live and Hope. The Wooden Letters are made up of thick wood and thin wood. At first we drew the letters onto the thin wood, then we cut them out with one of the schools saws. After that we got Mr Yardly to cut out the thick wood. We painted the block letters black and stuck them on the thick wood.
She had two pointy teeth; they looked as if they could slice me in half. She had long black hair that went down past her feet. Her eyes were as black as night. She was so pale… She was floating, just hovering above the ground. In her hand was a crooked, rusty old key. She had a dark red stain on her grey dress… She looked thirsty. “What’s your name” I asked her.
“People call me Marceline the Vampire queen” She said it softly... But I still kept my distance. "I see you built my house” she whispered " Now get off my property"
It was the
day of the Halloween night. The first victim came to the front door. I heard
the next victim coming close behind. I swooped out of the window. I was waiting
silently behind them I tapped his shoulder. He slowly turned around he looked
confused because he saw nothing there. Then suddenly right then smack dam I dove
my eyes right into his face there was no movement from him for about five
seconds. Out of his horrifying mouth was a terrifying scream I felt like I was
in a horror movie and that’s why people love Halloween.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Australia Zoo, MT Tamborine.
In the holidays I went to Austalia.My Aunty my Grandma my brother and I went to a place called MT Tamborine. There were lots of rainbow lorikeets they were very funnybecause they kept trying to steal our sugar packets and have a bath in our drinks.
I also went to Australia Zoo we saw lots of animals there and I got to hold and pat some. My favorite Animals were the snakes.
We went into the Red Kangroos habitat. We bought some Kangaroo food and feed them. I was worried that the Kangaroo was going to jump up and kick me but they were very sleepy so I wasnt that scared.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Thursday, 17 October 2013
This is the story of how the sun blew up. The day started like any normal day, I got up ate breakfast got dressed and watched T.V. My friend called and asked if I wanted to go to the beach, I asked if I could go. And as always she said yes. While I was walking to my friend’s house a gust of wind blew around me. “What??” slowly the sky got darker the sun was shrinking. I ran home as fast as I could. By the time I reached my house it was pitch black. “Mum!” I yelled out.
“Wake up” my aunty screamed like a horn.
As the time ticked to 6:00am in the morning, my family and I left to go to Auckland.
As we just left Hamilton, my cousins and I fell to sleep as we were on the busy motorway, My cousin posted them up on Facebook to let everyone see it. As we got to Auckland we went to Mangere markets and brought packets of meat and lollies. Slowly the sky got darker as we were coming back to Hamilton around 6:00pm we had a slow race to see who was home first.
As the time ticked to 6:00am in the morning, my family and I left to go to Auckland.
As we just left Hamilton, my cousins and I fell to sleep as we were on the busy motorway, My cousin posted them up on Facebook to let everyone see it. As we got to Auckland we went to Mangere markets and brought packets of meat and lollies. Slowly the sky got darker as we were coming back to Hamilton around 6:00pm we had a slow race to see who was home first.
Giant Oarfish
Today on the news we saw an article about the Oarfish
We were interested in this huge fish so started to do some research. We created a scale diagram and added some facts around it.
The rest of the school were interested and it started lots of talking. Some people though it was an eel.
changed my mind. Where was I?
I wondered
around, all I can see was sand swishing side to side. My mind stopped, and told
me I was in the worst deserted desert, The ………….., something caught my eye.
Water, trees, a camel! A person! A village!
Maybe my mind was playing tricks with me, but I ran, shouting and crying. I was
in pain. I tripped over my own foot and tumbled over. Sand was in my eyes, it
stung. I kept my eyes closed and wondered off the wrong direction.
Slowly the
sky got darker… I panicked… I fainted…
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
We stared off with skecting a net for a 3D shape. We then stared to cut out some shape nets that Mr Willis already printed off for us. The shapes that we were cutting out we're pyramids, octahedrons, and truncated tetrahedron. Once the shapes were cut out we needed to glue the flaps and stick them together creating a 3 dimensional shape.
Monday, 14 October 2013
League taster session
Today we were lucky enough to have a Rugby League Taster session thanks to the team at kiwi sport and project energise.
They taught us some new games. We had to run around and when a number was called we had to get into a group of that many. We also played mass tag. Everyone was in and if you got tug you had to sit down. The only way to get back in was if the person who tug you go tug. It was lots of fun and we had to dodge, duck and sidestep lots.
We then practised some drills.
Friday, 27 September 2013
We are using this website to help us with our jingles for prep. They will be great
We were on our way to find a colorful pot for my non stop growing tomatoes. When we got to the door they slowly creaked open. We walked around boring old pots for hours. Until I ran into the brightest and coolest pot in the world it was a old pot with red and black patterns and a face to go with it. My brother was tapping me and pointing up in the sky but it wasn’t anything in the sky there were legs surrounding the plant in the middle to keep them up right when they grow really big.
It was a swift
of happiness as the bride came in. “Where’s everyone?” She wondered around the
corner as she finally came to a strange box. It was a box with strange looking
eyes, a pot shape with a mean looking attitude. She came to check it out as she
somehow got unbalanced and fell in. “Ouch…” She mumbled, it was a steep hole,
all was blackness...
“Help! Help!” A faint cry came over a little boy. The boy wondered over and found a pot with
two legs sticking out. He wondered closer as he got unbalanced, suddenly he
“Hey look at that” Sam said excitedly.
“Yeah” Lucy agreed.
“Come on Lucy” Sam said. They started to walk down long corridors until they came to a big purple door. Sam reached out for the handle. “Wait’ Lucy suddenly said grabbing Sam’s arm.
“What?” Sam asked confused.
“We don’t know where this door goes” Lucy muttered Sam grabbed the door handle and yanked it open. The room was black. All of a sudden they were pushed into the room. The lights suddenly came on. “What is that” Lucy screeched. Staring at them was a huge cup with legs sticking out.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
100wc Week #4
A new
species hit earth on March 2024. We have captured one of the unknown species
and are holding it captive for research reasons. We do not know what it is or
where it came from but what we do know is that it is a potential threat to
human kind. There are others of this species roaming the earth and standing at
13 meters can destroy cities in just days. The black flowerpot with legs for
hair is endangering human kind and if we don’t do something soon the world as
we know it will soon be no more.
Last year ago something strange had come to our country and it was named the “devil’s shadow” it had only fed on ladies that had been seen by this creature. As it goes around the streets everyone and every pet all hid away in fear of the monstrous creature. As the sun slowly goes away the shadow disappeared and everyone did their shopping only when the sun went it began to slowly got light in the day everyone rushed back in side and closed the doors and windows and hid away in fear… TO BE CONTINUED……….
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Creating nets
Today we looked at different packaging and tried to imagine the nets. In the factory a machine would fold cardboard to create these prisms. We were challenged by mr Willis to recreate them.
Friday, 20 September 2013
It was a quiet day you couldn’t even hear a single pin drop as the day dragged along I saw a bright light then BANG! A loud sound traveled through my ears and I fell to knees squeezing the side of my head. Apparently a huge explosion happened down the road at the local dairy because of a gas leak. The owner just found out a couple minutes and the owner of the dairy was devastated about the dairy but the cops reckon the gas leak wasn’t an accident someone had purposely cut the gas hose that caused the explosion.
I was running through the forest. I was so scared. When I stopped I felt exhausted and tired. I was as if someone was chasing me. Suddenly I saw a bright light. It seemed to be a lantern. I hesitated I didn’t know what it was or if I should go near it. As I slowly walked up to it, I could see that it was floating I couldn’t believe my eyes. i went to go touch it but as soon as I did it fell to the ground smashed and a ghostly sound I heard got quieter and quieter.
It was the middle of
the night when I heard something in my basement I thought it was my cat meowing.
But it wasn't, it sounded like zombies coming up the stair case. I was just
waiting in my room hoping it wouldn't hear my heavy breathing. It was so quiet I
could hear my heart beat like a drum.
Then I saw a bright
light like someone was flicking the switch on and off. I looked around and seen
a shadow going pass the wall. Suddenly a ghost ran past me and I quickly woke
up with a fright…
It was so dark I couldn't find the exit ….. The smoke was going to
suffocate me. “Ahhh’ I screamed I fell through the floor. I hit the hard wood
with a “thud!” I slowly sat up and
looked around, I was in a room. The sign on the door told me I was in room 21 my
lucky number. I walked out into the corridor. The walls had burnt all over. Black
ashes blew around my feet. There were burnt holes in the floors and ceilings. And
then I saw a bright light... “Oh no” I muttered to myself.
100 wc
I heard a vibration but then I thought I heard thunder
but it was so bright that I could not see where I was going but I thought that
I was going but I thought but it was so bright that I could not see where I was
going but I thought that I was in my mum’s car and my dads car one of these
car’s and that sun was so bright at the
hat. I could not see out the window and the train and the one that was driving it
could not see where. The end from seth
It was a perfect gloom as bubbles filled the midnight
ocean. The waves splashed on the salty sand as the moon creeped out behind the
oily clouds. It was pitch-black, all I could see was shadows creeping forwards
and backwards…
I woke up, thinking where I was. I thought about last
night… How I drowned and it was pitch- black as the oily clouds. I was in a
cave “???” I wondered. A shadow creeped forward, and then I saw a bright light.
It was like a massive sun beam.
It was in my face, it was a lantern fish…
It was a typical dark night, I sat
alone watching tv and flicking channels, when suddenly a gust of wind, barged
through the windows than gradually lifted me into the air and then pushing me
around and then dropping me to the ground with a halt of silence. I was very
scared all I wanted to do was go home, I crawled up in to a ball and thought to
myself I was at home watching cartoons and then I saw a bright light gazing at
me from the distance, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.
I woke up it was 1:00 in the morning I heard thunder I ran to the window and then I saw a bright light I got thrown to the ground the force of the light was to strong finally it stopped saw something fly over me I sprinted to my mum and dad I said “I think someone’s outside we slowly tiptoed out the door. I was holding the flash light I felt my hands shaking I saw a shadow in the distance it was something small stomping towards us. it said “we are hear to take over the world”…
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Imagine, create, illustrate

Think it
Create it
Illustrate it
Was one of the main messages of the day as well as, making mistakes is good. Mistakes provide us with the opportunity to try again.

First draw an oval then draw another oval next to it. Draw a little circle underneath the ovals. Under the eyes and nose draw a mouth, add teeth and two hills in the bottom of the mouth to make a tonge. After that add eyebrows above the eyes. To draw the inside of the eyes all you have to do is draw two small doughnut like shapes.
Three rules for living in the Stone Age:
1. Do not touch fire.
2. Do not tease the dinosaurs.
3.stay away from sharp pointy things.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
It was a
hot summer’s breeze as a fishing competition was held. Crowds gathered to
compete and others watched. It was the one and only competition.
Rain came
pouring as time passed by but no fish has been interested to take a bait.
came, finally the real competition was on. Thousands of fish swam to get a
bait, ‘plenty of baits hanging around’. Only one kid named Sammy didn't get a
fish like he wished.
passed, then he decided to change his bait. He swapped his bait to the weirdest
thing, cat food.
Then the
weirdest fish came.
100wc Alanis
I was going eeling when I turned on the radio and listened to the news
about the largest eel that needed to be caught. It was my lucky day because I
was going eeling and I was determined to get the eel.
I arrive at the pond nervously and I was so determined to catch it. I
put my cold heavy fishing rod in the pond and waited and waited then something
was pulling on my rod. I was reeling it in when I lost my balance, I lifted up
the rod and the ugliest eel popped out.
100 wc
I opened my freezer because I was craving some ice cream. But as soon as I opened the freezer a big fat pink thing that appeared to be a fish flew out at my face. It was squishy. It had a long spiny back and dribble coming out of his mouth. It had a big fat head. As it slipped into my hands I found it hard to get a good grip on the slimy thing. It was scaring me so much I screamed so, I ran outside and threw it over my neighbors fence and just forgot about it.
100 wc
On my way to Raglan with my family I was sweaty like an ocean.
In the car singing I was too excited I couldn’t shut my mouth. 20 minutes away from Raglan
I fell asleep, during those 5 minutes I woke up because I had that feeling I was falling off something high. Once we got to the beach everyone ran out and rushed to get to the bridge, while my dad was waiting something pulled his rod, then he caught a fish.Everyone asked “what is that? “I answer, “it’s a disgusting slippery monster”. Everyone ran around screaming like it will eat them but its a friendly fish.
In the car singing I was too excited I couldn’t shut my mouth. 20 minutes away from Raglan
I fell asleep, during those 5 minutes I woke up because I had that feeling I was falling off something high. Once we got to the beach everyone ran out and rushed to get to the bridge, while my dad was waiting something pulled his rod, then he caught a fish.Everyone asked “what is that? “I answer, “it’s a disgusting slippery monster”. Everyone ran around screaming like it will eat them but its a friendly fish.
100 wc
100 wc
On my way to raglan with my family I was sweaty like an ocean.
In the car singing I was too excited I couldn’t shut my mouth. 20 minutes away from raglan
I fell asleep, during those 5 minutes I woke up because I had that feeling I was falling off something high. We got to the beach then everyone ran out and rushed to get to the bridge, as my dad caught a fish everyone said “what is that “I answer “it’s a disgusting slippery monster”. Everyone ran round screaming it will eat them and its true…
In the car singing I was too excited I couldn’t shut my mouth. 20 minutes away from raglan
I fell asleep, during those 5 minutes I woke up because I had that feeling I was falling off something high. We got to the beach then everyone ran out and rushed to get to the bridge, as my dad caught a fish everyone said “what is that “I answer “it’s a disgusting slippery monster”. Everyone ran round screaming it will eat them and its true…
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
100 WC
This is so boring. Why did I even bother saying yes? It’s the middle of summer, the school holidays. It’s a great day I should be out there swimming, playing with my friends. But instead of having fun I’m stuck in a boat with my Dad trying to catch a stupid fish. “Can we go home now?” I begged.
“Not until we catch a fish” Dad said for the hundredth time........ All of a sudden my rod bent down.
“Whoa” Dad said “reel it in quick!”
“Whoa” Dad said “reel it in quick!”
I quickly reeled it in and looked......... The pink slimy fish was so disgusting.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Friday 13th
September 2013
Cross Country
Cross Country
As I practically
fell over the finish line I felt amazingly good just participating. I felt
really proud although the run was super exhausting.
I got a lot of support from the marshals especially Matty and Reid they were very supportive friends.
It felt like I was going to die but the support boosted me up again. It tasted like sweet joy just knowing that I had completed the track.
All I could see was fresh cut grass and mud everywhere. I could smell nice fresh air. I am really proud of myself even though I didn’t come first I still got 5 points for my team.
By Chirah
Cross countryI got a lot of support from the marshals especially Matty and Reid they were very supportive friends.
It felt like I was going to die but the support boosted me up again. It tasted like sweet joy just knowing that I had completed the track.
All I could see was fresh cut grass and mud everywhere. I could smell nice fresh air. I am really proud of myself even though I didn’t come first I still got 5 points for my team.
By Chirah
The moment has finally arrived, my legs feel like jelly. I can feel the tension in the air. The slippery mud sits there waiting to trip me up. I wait for the hooter to go off “On your marks get set… HOOT”. We all took off. I turned the corner a bit too fast. I almost slipped over in the mud. I could smell the damp ground as my feet pounded across the soft grass. I could see all the people in front of me. I could taste the hot air as I breathed in and out faster and faster. Finally I crossed the finish line…
By Shayla.
CrossCountry'13 - slideshows
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