Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Our Changing World

Our world that we live in is every changing. With different seasons and different weather but what if the changes were caused because of 'Global Warming' and what if these changes were permanent?  How could rising sea levels affect the way people live? Would we be able to survive in the world we are creating?

Rising sea levels and increasing temperatures caused by human activity was a key finding of a seven-year report by a UN panel on climate change released this afternoon. 
In the Pacific some low-lying countries could completely disappear, meaning whole populations will have to be relocated to other countries.
One of those is the Marshall Islands, a group of 24 atolls lying just north of the equator halfway between Fiji and Hawaii. 
For the 60,000 inhabitants of the country, discussion over whether climate change is real is an insult. 
They've been watching their country disappear under rising seawaters for years. 
Mack Joel and his wife Tilang have lived in Majuro their entire lives, and they say the island is disappearing fast.
As a child Ms Joel used to play in a park next to a cemetery, where there were trees halfway to the reef. Now, that park has now completely vanished, along with half of the graves. 
The latest scientific reports suggest the world is currently heading for a one- to two-metre rise in sea levels by the end of the century. If those predictions are accurate, the Marshall Islands - like many other low lying countries - will be lost forever. 

Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/Marshall-Islands-wont-give-up-war-on-climate-change/tabid/817/articleID/338163/Default.aspx#ixzz2xZKgw2gJ

This is not the first time that the weather has affected change in our world that we live in. In 1976 the weather had a huge affect on the food production in Tisico

More recently while filming down in Antarctica, a group of researches discovered the most amazing change that our world has had yet. A group of Penguins realising that Global Warming was affecting the environment adapted and changed to insure their survival.

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